Tiptree Parish Council

Tiptree Parish Council

Councillor Vacancies

Tiptree Parish Council have two councillor vacancies currently available. If you think you have the passion and skills to support your community, please email clerk@tiptreeparishcouncil.gov.uk

Notice of Election

Election of Colchester City Councillor for Tiptree Ward

Nominated Persons for Tiptree Ward

About Tiptree
Formed in March 1934, Tiptree Parish Council is now the local authority for one of the largest villages in England with a population in excess of 9,000. The village is situated approximately 10 miles from Colchester, close to the A12 trunk road, and is one of 27 wards administered by Colchester City Council. The Parish Council consist of 15 elected Councillors, and a staff of 8 employee’s.

One of our primary tasks is the care of our green spaces. These are the sites that we have ownership (or long leases) on, such as Windmill Green, Grove Road Lake, The Grove Road Playing Fields, Park Lane Nature Reserve, the Memorial Gardens, the Community Hall, our Parish Offices and assorted other sites we are in the process of bringing on board or devolving to the care of others.

Mission Statement To enhance the quality of life for the community of Tiptree, maintain the village identity and encourage a community spirit