Since our journey began in 2014 we have received free help and support from the following:
- Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (councillors, residents and business volunteers)
- Colchester Borough Council (Officer Assistance)
- Rural Communities Council for Essex (Officer Assistance)
- Tiptree Parish Council (Funding and councillor support)
- Borough Councillors Former and Present (Funding)
- Locality (Funding)
- Fieldwork Assistance (Questionnaire/Data Analysis)
- Trait Design (Design of Logo)
- The Cheap Shop (some help with printing before funding was available)
- Tiptree Life Magazine (adverts and editorial)
- The Tribune (editorial)
- Look Magazine (editorial)
- All the businesses and organisations who have displayed posters and banners
- Residents and businesses who have helped with delivery of leaflets
- Thurstable School,Tofs(the original factory shop), John Alexander, Robert Houlding Carpets, Staines and Bright, Tesco, The Cheap Shop, Wilkin and Son (for assisting with collection boxes)
- Tiptree Library (regulation 14 – consultation document display and collection of response forms)
- John Alexander Estate Agents (supplying Advertising Display Boards)
- Residents who have displayed Advertising Boards
- Tiptree Youth Worker (assisting with youth questionnaire)
Without all these people we wouldn’t have got as far as we have. If you, as a business or resident are able to give us any free support (however large or small) please contact us.