Neighbourhood Plan Adoption
Following the Regulation 16 consultation which ran from Tuesday 30th August until Wednesday 12th October 2022, the Neighbourhood Plan was modified and submitted to Colchester Council for examination. The examination commenced on Monday 24th October 2022. The Examiner issued his Final Report on 15 December. The Examiner has concluded that, subject to modifications, the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions and can now proceed to referendum. The Examiner’s report and the Regulation 18 Decision Statement may be found by following the link below:
The Plan went to referendum on
Thursday May 4th 2023.
The Plan received the support of 84% of those voting.
The Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by Colchester City Council at the City Council meeting on Wednesday 24th May 2023. It has now become part of the Colchester Local Plan and it will shape development in Tiptree up until 2033. This will ensure that new development is plan-led and sustainable. It will also protect Tiptree from speculative development that, in the recent past, has resulted in development in inappropriate places. Without a Neighbourhood Plan, Tiptree would have no defence against further speculative development.
The final, referendum, edition of the Neighbourhood Plan is available to download here: