Call for Sites

Call for Sites

In order to meet the requirement for 600 new homes in Tiptree, there have been two calls for local landowners to put forward sites for possible development. The first was the Colchester Borough Council call for sites in 2014 and the second was made by Tiptree Parish Council in 2017. As a result 67 sites were put forward for consideration.

The accompanying map (call-for-sites-map) shows the sites put forward in the CBC call for sites in red and the sites put forward in the TPC call for sites in blue. Whilst we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the sites shown on this map, the site boundaries may be inaccurate in some instances and some sites submitted in the past may no longer be available for consideration with regard to future development.

Each site submitted has been subjected to a thorough Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) to assess its suitability for development. Sites have been assessed against pre-agreed criteria, the assessments were peer reviewed to check consistency and then reviewed by a CBC planning officer. Stage 1 assessment was with regard to basic conditions such as size of site, current use and access. As a result of the initial assessment 39 sites were put forward for further consideration. For the stage 2 assessment each of the 39 sites was given a red-amber-green (RAG) assessment against each of 24 criteria. The final selection of sites has been determined by the RAG score together with the vision and objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan which have been derived from the community consultation exercise.