Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan – Timeline of events
May 2023
The Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan was subject to referendum on 4th May and received support from 84% of those voting. Subsequently the Neighbourhood Plan was adopted at the meeting of Colchester City Council on 24th May
December 2022
Publication of the Examiner’s Report and Regulation 18 Decision Statement.
October 2022
The Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan Examination commenced on 24th October 2022.
August 2022
The Regulation 16 Consultation commenced on 30th August and ran until 11th October
March 2022
The Regulation 14 Consultation commenced on 11th March and ran until 1st May
January 2021
The process of revising the Tiptree NP commenced. This process included strengthening the evidence base and modifications to Policy SS14 (Tiptree) in the emerging Colchester Local Plan.
December 2020
Publication of the Examiner’s Report together with a joint statement by TPC and CBC and the Decision not to proceed to referendum.
August 2020
Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan commenced
June 2020
The Tiptree Regulation 16 consultation was restarted on 22 June 2020. An Examiner was sought for the plan inspection at the same time.
April 2020
On April 20th 2020 the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan Reg 16 consultation was started by CBC. On April 29th, the consultation was postponed due to an ongoing Planning appeal.
March 2020
Neighbourhood Plan approved by Parish Council for submission to CBC for Reg 16 submission. On March 27th, Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to CBC for Regulation 16 Consultation.
February 2020
Responses reviewed – Policies amended where required, in preparation for Regulation 15
Oct 2019
Review of responses commenced, in order to submit plan to Colchester Borough Council
Aug – Sep 2019
During Aug and Sept the Group entered the paper responses ready for analysing
June – July 2019
On the 8th June 2019, the 6 week statutory Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation began (8th June 2019 – 21st July 2019)
Prior to this, flyers advertising the Consultation and three Exhibitions were distributed to every house and business in Tiptree. Posters were placed on noticeboards and in shops,banners were erected at Grove Lake, Tesco’s, St Lukes Church and The Community Centee, adverts were placed in local newspapers and magazines as well as advertising on facebook and local community websites. E-mails were also sent to people who had asked to be kept informed during the process of the plan.
Copies were also made available online or could be collected from Staines, The Library and the Parish Council Office. Collection Boxes were also placed in these places for response forms to be returned.
Statutory Consultees were also advised of the dates of the Consultation and given the opportunity to respond.
At the first exhibition on Saturday 8th June 2019, 255 people attended including the local MP and 2 borough Councillors. People were able to view the Draft plan on display boards, take a hard copy of the Plan and response form away with them to either complete the form. There was also the option to complete online.
A second exhibition was held on Wednesday 12th June 2019 which was attended by 85 people
The last exhibition was held on Wednesday 10th July 2019 which was attended by 59 people including a borough councillor. Prior to this shops and businesses received a further poster, another advert was placed in local newspapers, emails were sent to recipients and facebook was updated.
Feb 2019
Unfortunately the consultation had to be postponed due to legal requirements of electoral procedures that precede the elections in May 19. It was hoped that the public consultation could be restarted in June
Jan 2019
TPC agreed the Draft Neighbourhood Plan which had been produced by a task group with the help of an external consultant. This would now be launched at the exhibition planned for the 16th Feb 2019 for public consultation for a period of six weeks. (postponed see above)
Feb 2018
Questionnaire Results Feedback Exhibition 3rd and 7th February 2018. Over 300 people attended the events over the two days. The community were able to browse the display boards of the work that had come out of previous consultation. The information was then loaded onto the website for people who were unable to attend the exhibitions as well as paper copies of the questionnaire results were available in the parish office. The RCCE also attended the event on the Saturday and were able to talk about the RCCE Housing Survey,affordable housing and emphasised that to be considered for affordable housing you must also register on Colchester Borough Housing Register www.gatewaytohomechoice.org.uk
A similar event was arranged on the 21st February 2018 for local businesses. Eight businesses attended and it was envisaged that more consultation with business will take place over the coming months.
Dec 17 – Jan 2018
Preparation began for Questionnaire Results Feedback Exhibition. Housing Survey report was received back
Sept – Nov 2017
Work was ongoing with analysing of the Main Questionnaire with many hours of volunteer time spent reading,discussing and collating the information gained.
Aug 2017
945 questionnaires were received (23%) and the information is now being analysed by the RCCE. Results are expected towards the end of the year.
July 2017
Closing date for Call For Sites – 12th July 2017. Closing date for Housing Needs Survey 21st July 2017
June 2017
Housing Needs Survey was delivered to every household on the weekend of the 10th/11th June 2017. This survey will look at determining the specific housing needs of Tiptree’s residents, both in terms of open market housing and affordable housing. Forms need to be returned by July 22nd and were also available on line.
May 2017
Plans were made for RCCE Housing Needs Survey to be produced with anticipated delivery in June
April 2017
Tiptree Parish Council issued a ‘Call For Sites’ which is an opportunity for individuals and organisations to suggest sites which could be allocated for development. Suggestions received will be considered alongside sites already put forward to Colchester Borough Council and will be used to inform the development of the New Neighbourhood Plan. The call for sites exercise will not in itself determine whether or not a site should be allocated for development. At this time they are considering sites which can accommodate development for housing, however they are also interested to receive details of sites that may be appropriate for other types of development. The size threshold for housing submissions is a minimum area of 0.25 hectares, or an area which can accommodate at least five dwellings.
Jan 2017- Mar 2017
A request was advertised for any additional volunteers to help with the input of data from paper questionnaires ready for analysis by Fieldwork Assistance. Approx 40 residents came forward to help the group with this mammoth task with approx over 500 hours volunteer time spent on this huge task
Oct – Dec 16
Over 1200 questionnaires returned and 600 people asked to be kept updated of progress.
Please listen to what our Chairman Cllr Steve Bays had to say about the questionnaire HERE
Sept 16
Every household and business in Tiptree received a paper questionnaire to complete. Topics included Village Identity, Homes and Housing, Housing Development, Countryside and Wide Open Space, Traffic and Transport, Facilities and Amenities,Services, Shopping, The Village Centre and Business and Employment.
This could be returned to various outlets in the village. This was also available on-line as well as a separate on-line Youth Questionnaire. Questionnaires were to be returned by the 23rd October 2016. This date was extended slightly. Each questionnaire was entered into a free prize draw with various prizes
Jan – Aug 16
Working Party prepared questionnaire from the findings of the previous Open Days.
Summer 2015 – Dec 2015
The Working Group were successful in obtaining some grant funding to hold two Open Days in Nov 2015 to enable residents and businesses to participate. Flyers were distributed to every household, given out at the local railway station informing people of this event as well as press and radio coverage.
At the Open Days there were boards explaining the Neighbourhood Plan, information boards covering various topics and the opportunity for people to write any comments as well as complete several surveys and forms.
Over 300 people attended the event, some residents came forward to join the Working Party as well as over 100 people asking to be kept informed of progress and now receive regular updates. Please contact us on NPtiptree@btconnect or 01621 817030 if you would like to be added to our distribution list.
A report of the findings is available
Jan 2015 – Summer 2015
The search was on for people to join the Working Party and posters and adverts were distributed as well as two exhibitions early in the year. A questionnaire was available to complete.
A local business came forward to offer pro bono support with questionnaire and data analysing as well as another who offered to design a group logo
Tiptree Parish Council (TPC) agreed to set up a Working Party for the purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan. In the summer of 2014 various businesses in the village were visited by councillors to see if they were interested in the Neighbourhood Plan.
On the 1st October TPC made an application to Colchester Borough Council(CBC) to designate a Neighbourhood Plan Area.
In accordance with regulation 6 of the Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 2012 CBC undertook a six week period of publication consultation from the 10th Nov until the 22nd Dec 2014. On the 2nd February 2015 CBC designated the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan Area.