Potholes and Street Lighting

Potholes and Street Lighting

These two issues are a major source of irritation within Tiptree.  Getting repairs resolved can be frustrating.  Hopefully the information below can help:

For street lights
Street Lights in Tiptree are serviced by either the Parish Council or Essex County Council (ECC). As a general rule of thumb, major through- roads have street lights maintained by ECC. All ECC lights have their street lights numbered on the pole. The Parish owned lights are mainly on “side” roads, and the lights are un-numbered. To report a Tiptree Parish light as being out, send an email to the office stating where the light is located. To have an ECC light repaired, then access the Essex County council website by clicking on this link.  Press the start button found at the foot of the page.  It is handy to have the light number of the pole being reported.  The report will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

For Pot holes/Street repairs
Access Essex County Council (highways) site by clicking on this link. Use the report a pothole link found on the page.  The report will take approximately 3 minutes to complete.  You will need at least a road name (preferably a post code) in order to identify the site.