Rubbish and Recycling collection within Tiptree
Within Tiptree, Colchester City Council is responsible for all rubbish and recycling collection. This means that if you need any of the following recycling items, you will need to contact Colchester City Council (CCC) via either the web or phone:
- clear recycling bags for paper or plastics
- green recycling box for glass or cans
- kerbside food caddy
- kitchen food caddy
- Brown wheelie bin for garden waste Phone: 01206 282700
The items are available for either kerbside drop off, or pick-up from our Community Centre in Caxton Close. Opening Hours for Recycling items for pick up are: Items can be picked up with the code supplied by CCC which states the number and type of items that are to be issued.
- Monday Evening (6pm to 7.30pm)
- Wednesday Morning (10.00am to 11.30am)
- Sunday Morning (9.30am to 11am)