Our Staff

Our Staff

56 Church Road

The Parish Council staff are led by the Parish Clerk (Claire Newton), who has overall responsibility for all the staff, and has responsibility for :

  • ensuring that the council conducts its business lawfully
  • administering all the council’s paperwork
  • ensures that meeting papers are properly prepared and the public is aware of meeting times
  • implementing the council’s decisions
  • oversees the implementation of projects
  • keeping property registers and other legal documents
  • The upkeep of the parish finances, ensuring expenditure and receipts are properly recorded in accordance with the law.

The Deputy Clerk (Jill), has responsibility for:

  • acting as the Clerk for Committee’s as required.
  • administers and record the training of all councillors and staff
  • The recording of all Interments within the Memorial Garden
  • Deputising for the Clerk when required.
  • keeps up to date by training /qualification

The Community Centre Manager (Julie) has responsibility for the bookings and the running of the Community Centre.

Community Centre Staff :

The Community Centre is staffed by two Caretakers, Dave who is the duty caretaker at the Centre during the week and Neil who is the duty caretaker at the Centre at the weekends.

Outside Staff:

Our Head Groundsman (Scott) is in charge of all the opens spaces for which the Parish has responsibility. This includes the mowing, security and safety of the sites. He is assisted in this role by a Groundsman (Kieran) and the Village Caretaker (Mike).